miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

The past, present and future computers!

Hello my name is Brenda Guzman. Several years ago, computers were very different from what we know today. They had occupied too large it was a full room. Could not carry anywhere, many materials needed for operation.
The computers of today are desktop, lap top's, phones, can be anywhere, not clogged and are practical for any type of work.
In the future, which is no longer far away, computers will be faster much smaller than they already are, will have better screens is more maybe but no longer displays holograms, are expected to have better technology than now.

Hola mi nombre es Brenda Guzmán. Hace ya varios años las computadoras eran muy diferentes a las que hoy conocemos. Tenian un  tamaño demasiado grande ocupaban lo que era un cuarto completo. No se podian transportar a ningun lado, necesitaban muchos materiales para funcionar.
Las computadoras de hoy en dia son de escritorio, lap top's, en celulares, pueden estar en cualquier lado, no estorban y son practicas para cualquier tipo de trabajo.
En un futuro el cual ya no esta muy lejos las computadoras podran ser mas rapidas mucho mas pequeñas de lo que ya son, tendran mejores pantallas es mas quizas ya no sean pantallas sino hologramas, se espera que tengan mejor tecnologia que las de ahora.

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

My next vacations!

Hello my name is Brenda! In my next vacation go to Capital England London whit my family and some of my friends. London is the largest cities and most tourist places in the world that interested me much.
I want to see the so-called “London Eye” where you can see a different form this city, while the sky this can get to see much more.
Another place that also catches my attention is the Tower of London which a very large and beautiful castle, there is a bridge that a every time they pass large ships rises. The river crossing vessels is the River Thamesis which divides the city into two halves.
In London there are a lot of important museums but I that I would like to visit is his main Museum, the so-called “British Museum of London” is about the art, archaeology and history.
Something personally that I would like to go London is because I would like to see a sunset from the city’s highest point since they say that these are very beautiful different from other cities and countries.
London seems to me city of beautiful places.
I’m very excited about my next vacation which look forward too.

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

Hi! My name is Brenda Guzman In my last vacation visit Atlixco, Puebla.
I like mount the San Miguel is big and beautiful. The zocalo is very large, with small parks where we went to play with my cousins.
Visit historic monuments such as the Franciscan Convent.
I like the Atlixco food is very delicious as the pambazos, chiles enhogada, mole poblano and pozole.
At night he was leaving with my family to play pool. I went to paries with my friends, they were really fun full of laughter.
In Atlixco from afar the Popocatepetl could be observed when pollution is vary high.
My parents in a pet shop bought a very nice parrot, his name is Paco.
We visited a village where there were many animals such as horses, cows, sheep, chikens and dogs.

That is what I did during these vacations in Atlixco, Puebla.

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

My Description

¡Brenda Leticia!

 My name is Brenda Guzmán and I´m have sexteen years old.
I'm Mexican and I live with my family.
I'm student. Actually study in CCH Azcapotzalco.
My favorite subject is Biology.
I like being with my friends.
My favorite food is mmm 'enchiladas'.
I'm brunette, slim and funn. My hair is black and large.
I love listen music.
My favorite music is reggeaton and pop.
I like draw.
This is all about my. Good bye.